As January gets closer and the weather colder, preparing your car for winter is important to ensure you’re safe on the road.
During the winter months, there are more hazards when driving, and you can be up to two times more likely to break down. By doing some quick checks, you can easily lower this and keep yourself safe when driving in winter.
- Check your car battery; the cold weather can impact the performance of your car’s battery, and on a cold morning, it could lose up to 35% of its power. You can get your battery tested for free at many Kwik Fit or Halfords Autocentre garages. Or, you can buy your own tester from Euro Car Parts.
- Check your anti-freeze; antifreeze lowers the freezing point of your engine coolant, helping to stop it from freezing up in the cooler months. This is a key part of preparing your car for winter, and there are many different types of anti-freeze available. If you ask your local stockist, they should be able to point you in the right direction. Alternatively, you can use the Halfords online checker.
- Check your screenwash; with wetter weather during winter, all the dirt off the ground is drawn up, making your car dirtier, quicker. Due to this, it is important to keep your washer fluid topped up. It may even be beneficial to keep a spare.
- Check your exterior lights; during the winter, the days are darker for longer. So, you will be using your lights more. You should check your lights regularly to ensure they are clear of dirt and in working condition. If your brake lights are not working properly, this can result in a fine or your car being taken off the road. Check all your cars exterior lights are working and carry some spare bulbs with you, just in case.
- Check your tyres; it is important to always check your tyre tread, more so in the winter as driving conditions can worsen. The legal minimum tread is 1.6mm. A low tread can affect the time it takes you to stop and your grip on the road. For help with checking your tyre tread, see RAC’s guide on how to check yours at home. Alternatively, you can purchase winter tyres for your car. These are recommended if you are likely to be driving long distances or live in a remote area, where you are more likely to be affected by bad weather.

To be sure that you aren’t going to get caught out this winter, you should prepare some necessary items to keep in your car in case of an emergency. See our handy checklist below:
- Extra screen wash
- De-Icer
- A car compatible phone charger or a portable charger
- A blanket
- A Scraper
- Snacks
- A snow spade
- Wellies
You need to prepare your car for winter, for your safety and the safety of other road users. Kwik Fit offers a free winter car check service, which can be booked on their website if you need more help.
Driving during winter can be hazardous, from grit paint damage to bumps and scuffs. If you want to give your car some overdue attention and ready to look good for the summer, get in touch today.